Petit Bot

Petit Bot

Monday 4 January 2016

Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn. Book Review.

I made the mistake of watching the film before reading this, but I'm glad I read it. 

The split point of view gives you a personal view on each side of the story and you find yourselves in the heads of Nick and Amy and seeing the motives behind their actions, even when it seems crazy reading it in their mind somehow justifies it. 

It kept me interested, I took a long time to read it but this was simply due to other commitments is have read it in a day if I had the time! 

I'd recommend this to anyone, even if you've seen the film the book still gives you more and keeps you guessing.

Sunday 4 October 2015


Saturday 3rd October 2015

La Valette to Fermain Bay. 

I bought a new Nikon D3200 and took it out for a play! I walked from La Valette in St Peter Port (Guernsey) to Fermain Bay. Here's a few of my pictures!

 The above and bellow are Castle Cornet, below was around sunset.
 Below is Fermain Bay. 
   A view of Herm Island around sunset 

 Above and below are Soldier's Bay, we walked down and up the steepest cliff side staircase! 

We finished off the day with chips on Cobo beach at sunset, one of the most beautiful places you can watch a sunset. 

Absolutely in love with my new camera, I will be addicted to taking photos now.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Winter Holiday Planned.

December 2015 I will be in Reykjavik, Iceland! 

Yesterday we booked a winter city break to Reykjavik! I can't wait. Not only have I not been outside of the British Isles since January, I hopefully get to tick a biggie off of my bucket list!

We have a short trip planned, 3 nights in Iceland's capitol and the second night we have a trip to some geothermal baths booked and hopefully if we're lucky we get to see the Aurora borealis dancing in the sky! 

Even if we don't manage to see the northern lights it will still be a beautiful city to visit and an amazing experience sitting in the baths. I can't wait to explore the city and experience a real Icelandic winter!

Any travel tips and advice would be amazing, I'm counting down the days.. 84 to be exact!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

10 Things A Type1 Diabetic Hates To Hear

Being a type 1 diabetic isn’t really a walk in the park, the mood swings, blood sugars and health concerns are just some of our problems. Making people aware of our diabetes is something we have to do just in case and while questions are fine there’s some things we really hate to hear!
1. “But you’re too thin to be a diabetic”It’s all genetic! How many times! Yes, not everyone is educated on the differences in types but please don’t make assumptions based on a stereotype! You can be any size when type 1 can hit you nothing can prevent it. 
2. “So where do you keep your ‘Epipen’” 
Epipens are for allergies, we’re not allergic to sugar, if so we literally couldn’t eat anything without dying! I understand the pens look similar but it’s very different! 
3. “I couldn’t do that, I’m so scared of needles!” 
Firstly, you get over a fear like that pretty quick because it’s what you need to live and secondly the needles are so tiny you can hardly see them. I personally struggle to have either someone else inject me or have a full sized needle used on me. 
4. “So did you have too much sugar as a kid?” 
See point one for the whole genetic side of things but I also feel this one is very annoying is it not only implies that you had no self control but also suggests your parents were at fault and just let you be reckless. Nope! 
 5. “So have you done your injection?” 
This is personal to me and one I find very annoying! I understand completely that it’s said in a genuine caring way but I can’t help but act almost like a child when this is said to me.. Of course I have, I’m not unconscious am I? Leave me alone! 
 6. “Are you sure you can you eat that?” 
Similar to the last point I get childish over this.. Please don’t try to lecture me on what I can and can’t eat. I’m fully aware of my condition and barring a massive head trauma it’s not like I’m going to forget anytime soon. Diabetics can have the occasional treat too! 
 7. “My grandma just got diabetes too” 
Well I feel bad for your grandma because I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy but grandma most likely is a type 2 and the treatments and causes are very different.. I’m not like grandma! 
8. “Shall I get you some diabetic chocolate?” 
Honestly, get me some real chocolate, it’ll last me longer because I can’t eat it all at once. Plus you don’t want to hear about all the nasty laxative effects that come with diabetic foods, keep it away! 
9. “I’m so stressed lately!” 
Please don’t! Stress is difficult I get it but at least you don’t have the problem of your blood sugars playing up too! 
10. “Oh I’m always ill!” 
Similar to the last point, unless your immune system likes to play up like the lucky diabetics do then your cold you’ve had for a day is not the same as 'always ill’. 
Hopefully after reading this you’ll think before you say any of these! But please, if you have questions don’t be afraid to ask them just think about your phrasing.